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To view real-time soil temperature and moisture readings across Kankakee County, click here!



In 2022, the Kankakee County SWCD began the Soil on Demand field project to provide farmers with local, real-time soil temperature and moisture readings. In 2023 we received funding and support through Compeer Financial's Fund for Rural America to continue and expand the project. In 2024, we  are working to install sensors at 8 locations across Kankakee County.

At each location, 4 sensors have been installed. 2 sensors are buried within a field containing a cover crop, while the remaining 2 sensors are buried within a section of the same field without a cover crop. The soil sensors send moisture and temperature readings to a receiver, which sends data to an online hub. The image illustrates how each location is set up.


To view all soil data on the hub, visit and login with the username PUBLIC and password KankakeeSWCD. 

To learn more about our project sites, including cover crop information, tillage information, and soil characteristics, click here.

Soil Sensor Schematic.png



The yellow pins indicate the approximate locations where soil sensors are installed:

A. Rockville 
B. Manteno 
C. Pilot 
D. Otto
E. Limestone
F. North Aroma
G. South Aroma
H. Pembroke

Site Characteristics

Soil on Demand sites were selected across Kankakee County to provide a holistic representation of soil types, cover crop species, and tillage practices. 

A. Rockville Township, NW Kankakee County

Soil Type: silty clay loam

Cover Crop: cereal rye

Tillage Method: 

C. Pilot Township, SW Kankakee County

Soil Type: clay loam

Cover Crop: cereal rye

Tillage Method: 

E. Limestone Township, central Kankakee County

Soil Type: silt loam

Cover Crop: oats, radish, rapeseed, cereal rye

Tillage Method: 

G. South Aroma Township, southern Kankakee County

Soil Type: clay loam

Cover Crop: cereal rye

Tillage Method: 

B. Manteno Township, northern Kankakee County

Soil Type: silt loam

Cover Crop: cereal rye

Tillage Method: 

D. Otto Township, SW Kankakee County

Soil Type: silt loam

Cover Crop: cereal rye

Tillage Method:

F. North Aroma Township, eastern Kankakee County

Soil Type: silt loam

Cover Crop: cereal rye

Tillage Method: 

H. Pembroke Township, SE Kankakee County

Soil Type: fine sand

Cover Crop: cereal rye

Tillage Method: 



Thank you to the Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation, the National Wildlife Federation, Compeer Financial, and our local Farmer Champions for making the Kankakee County Soil on Demand project possible.

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